Thursday, September 25, 2008

Under the Knife

After walking around Japan for a week I decided today that it's entirely to hot! So I found a barber shop and cut my hair. Now I'm used to going to Cost Cutters (or whatever) and not paying more than $15(including tip, which you never do here), but all of the places that I saw had 2,300 yen as the cheapest (figure about $23). I figured that if I wanted this done I'd have to bite the bullet. It was totally worth it! Normally my hair cuts take all of fifteen minutes and I go home and take a shower afterward because of all the hair down my shirt, but this was amazing. First they cut my hair, then they shampooed and conditioned it, then a bit of a massage, then I sat with a hot towel over my face for a minute or so, then they shaved me (and not just the beard, but the ears and eyebrows as well). The whole process was almost an hour but you feel so refreshed and relaxed afterward, and no stray hairs itching their way down your back. It was a pretty cool experience, and I feel a lot cooler to boot!

1 comment:

mindy said...

defintely try getting you hair dyed over there (if you're planning to) they've got insane skills. it's a new look for you, not bad, but needs getting used to. you're the trimmed down viking "><"