Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Urawa and the Job Stuff

So about a week ago I moved into a different place. I found a opening for a "job" in a city called Urawa (a northern suburb of Tokyo). The place is a bit sketchy, but as long as i teach 12 hours of English conversation lessons each week I get a free room (which is considerably cheaper than the hotel that I stayed at for the first two weeks!). Since I got here I've been getting to know the area and the other teachers. It's really nice to be able to talk to other living people! I've still been looking for pretty much any job, and it gets more than a little disconcerting after awhile, but I still have time. I did have an interview today that went fairly well, but we'll see how it turns out in a week or so (it definitely has ups and downs, but it's the first place that I've heard much of anything from and no job is going to be perfect, oh and the place that I might/probably would get if I am accepted is fairly nice). Over this last week I feel like I've been settling into the Japanese life style a bit more, and I've done some cooking for the other teachers now that I have a kitchen at my disposal (granted it's tiny in comparison, but what isn't?!)

Well I thought I would write more, but... I got nothing! Till next time; bye, bye!

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