Thursday, August 6, 2009

Race to the Finish

It's all coming to an end now, and it's sooner than I initially expected. I am excited to go back and see family and friends, go to once familiar places and even drive a car. I have decided to go back earlier for many reasons, but one of the big ones is that I am going to apply for college again and see about working towards a career, not just a short stop at a random employer.

This last week here has been quite hectic! Last weekend was Matsumoto Bon Bon, a very large festival here, and then a friend's birthday, followed by a bit of a going away party for me, but between those events I had to pack and clean as much as possible. This week I am trying to finish up stuff at work as well as continue packing and cleaning. My last day of work is Saturday, and I leave early Sunday morning for Narita and the States, so I don't have much time to spare. My good-byes have been many and rushed in order to fit them in, which has made them a bit easier to be honest. I know I'll miss a lot about Japan and the people that I have come to know, but I also know, I'll be back!

Living in Japan has made me see things differently, or clearer... or something along those lines. I know better what I want and what is important to me, which is why I'm returning to the States.

Three days from now I'll be back home, it's a weird felling. It feels very final.